Magnus (Jianhui) Chen
JAVA/J2EE Developer
Pursuing a challenging J2EE developer position, an effective team player with excellent communication and six years of J2EE experience in designing and building n-tier web applications and Java applications will contribute his technology and experience to help the growth of business.
Ø 6 years J2EE development experience in both client and server sides
Ø Designed and developed Struts-based Web applications
Ø Designed and developed Spring-based systems
Ø Designed and developed EJB 2.0 model components
Ø Designed and developed SOA, web services/SOAP and JMS
Ø Experienced in AJAX, JSON development
Ø Experienced in GUI development
Ø Experienced in JSP, Servlet development
Ø Experienced in and Excellent knowledge of application servers – WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat, JBoss
Ø Experienced in Rational Unified Process of software development
Ø Experienced in multiple design artifacts by UML
Ø Experienced in and Excellent knowledge of J2EE design patterns
Ø Experienced in and Excellent knowledge of object oriented methodologies
Ø Experienced in database design and development
Ø Experienced in application security
Ø Experienced in IDE-Eclipse, JBuilder, WSAD
Ø Experienced in build tool- ANT, Maven
Sun Certified Programmer
Bachelor Degree of Computer Science, McGill University, Canada
Servlets, JSP, JavaBean, JDBC, JNDI, Threads, AWT, SWT,AJAX, JSON, Struts /Spring Frameworks, SOA, Axis Web Services/SOAP, JMS, MQ Series, EJB 2.0, XML, HTML, Ext-js, JavaScript, SQL, ANT/Maven, Log4j, Junit, LDAP/Security, Java Web Star/JNLP
Eclipse/JBuilder/WSAD/Rational Application Developer, Erwin, Toad, WebSphere/WebLogic/Tomcat/Jboss, Jasper Reports, Rational Rose / Rational XDE, CVS
Oracle 8i/9i, DB2, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server
Operating Systems
Unix: Solaris, MS Windows
Professional Experience
JBytes Corporation, Henderson July 2008- August 2008
JAVA/J2EE Developer
Developed an Insurance Management Web Application
Ø Utilized Struts to design and develop the structure of this system
Ø Used Ext-js to created a GUI interface on workstation
Ø Used Ajax and Json to develop a web application
Technologies: Struts, Ext-js, Json, Ajax
Tools: Eclipse, Tomcat, Microsoft SQL Server
Computer Sciences Corporation, Falls Church April 2005-May 2008
JAVA/J2EE Developer
Developed a Border Control Application, which is used to record border crossing
Ø Utilized Spring to design and develop the structure of this system
Ø Used SWT/Swing to created a GUI interface on workstation
Ø Developed Axis web services to communicate between workstation and server
Ø Implemented Session Beans to create application workflows
Technologies: Spring, SWT, Swing, Axis web service/SOAP, EJB, JUnit, Log4j, Maven
Developed a Finger Prints Enrollment Application, which is used to enroll, search personal finger prints and register and retrieve personal information.
Ø Used UML to create design documents
Ø Used SWT to create GUI interface on workstation
Ø Utilized Java Web Start to update workstation from application server and launch the application
Ø Developed Axis web services and JDBC to update or retrieve personal information
Ø Implemented interface to deliver personal finger prints to FTP server
Ø Used JAI to improve personal photography
Technologies: SWT, JAI, JUnit, Log4j, Axis, SOAP, XML, Ant,
Web Star, Thread, UML
Designed and configured web applications security
Ø Designed a LDAP schema
Ø Configured LDAP schema on LDAP server
Ø Created an Java interface to access LDAP server
Ø Created a filter to authenticate user
Ø Defined security roles and security constraints on Application for authorization
Technologies: LDAP, SSL, J2EE security, filter
Developed a Border Guard Web Application, which is used to register and retrieve criminal’s information
Ø Implemented a MVC Web Application
Ø Set up the data models by All Fusion Gen
Ø Used JSP, HTML and CSS to create user interface
Ø Used Servlet to create user controllers
Ø Used JDBC and SQL to create DAO for access DB2 database
Technologies: Servlet, JSP, JNDI, JavaBean, JUnit, Log4j, JavaScript, Ant,
Developed a JMS component, which is used to communicate with the bank system
Ø Configured Queue Manager and Queues on MQ Series
Ø Created JMS component to sent and get messages on MQ Series
Technologies: JMS, MQ
Tools: Eclipse, Websphere Application Server, Tivoli Directory, DB2, MQ Series, All Fusion Gen
Micro Object Solutions Inc, Toronto March 2004- February 2005
JAVA/J2EE Developer
Developed an Online Rental Web Application, which allows customers to obtain product information and place orders over internet
Ø Strictly followed Rational Unified Process to create this application
Ø Coordinated with other J2EE developers by CVS
Ø Analyzed the business requirements, worked with the Business Analyst to define business needs and delivered the comprehensive Functional Specifications.
Ø Established Use Case/Class/Sequence/Activity diagrams by UML
Ø Built the logical/physical database model by Erwin
Ø Implemented web tier by Struts 1.1(tag, i18n, switch action, dispatch action, dynamic form, plugin validator)
Ø Configured EJB deployment descriptors to control transaction and security, implemented stateful and stateless session beans in terms of business logic, implemented CMP and CMR mapping, created EJB-QL
Ø Utilized MVC, Session Façade, Singleton, Factory, Value Object, Data Access Object and Business Delegate J2EE design patterns
Technologies: Servlet, JSP, RMI, JNDI, Java Mail, JavaBean, Struts, JUnit,
EJB, Log4j, XML, JavaScript, Ant
Tools: JBuilder, Weblogic, Oracle9i, Erwin, Rational Rose and CVS
Organic Food Consumer’s Coop, Montreal January 2003- June 2003
JAVA/J2EE Developer
Developed an Online Food Order Web Application
Ø Designed the physical/logical database model
Ø Designed and developed the entire system to follow MVC design pattern
Ø Used JSP and JSTL to construct web tier
Ø Used Servlet and JavaBean to implement BO
Ø Used SQL and JDBC to implement Database Access Object tier
Ø Built the entire application by ANT
Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JavaScript, JavaBean, JDBC, ANT
Tools: Tomcat, Rational Rose, Erwin, MySQL
Ao Jia Software Inc, Shanghai July 1998- December 2000
Java Programmer
Involved in developing a customer call center system for a power supply company
Ø Provided object-oriented design, programming and implementation support
Ø Implemented business functions
Ø Created GUI user interface
Ø Used JDBC, SQL to communicate workstation with database
Ø Created design and user support documentations
Technologies: AWT, SQL, JDBC
Available upon request